The New York Times (“In India, Water Crisis Means Foul Sludge“) gives a detailed look into the disastrous state of New Delhi’s water supply.
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The New York Times (“In India, Water Crisis Means Foul Sludge“) gives a detailed look into the disastrous state of New Delhi’s water supply.
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Hi.. I am Chittoor.S.Murugeshan, aged 40 , a Working journalist, editor of Indian political close up- Telugu fortnightly. I am giving you the copy of my mail to Sri.Parves Musharaffji, Honble.President of Pakisthan. Please go through it. It may help you to judge my way of thinking.
I had born on 7/8/67 . I love Islam -pray Insha Allah always. I hate the rivalry between India and Pakisthan. It is a plot by western countries that too of USA. I had suggested our leaders and MPs through emails to hand over the Kashmir under the controle of India to UNO . In the same way I had suggested to pressure you to do so . (handing over the Kashmir at ur control to UNO. It is just a sample for my revolutionary thinking for New world/New Asia.
From 1986 I am thinking about a new world in which all the people will be with hardy body-windy mind-holy soul. To achieve it at world level USA has to stop all of its production of weapons, provoking wars , intruding in the local issues of world countries. To realize my ambition I had drafted a fine plan to resolve all the problems of India by which the government can gear up for hardy body-windy mind-holy soul. I had named it Operation India 2000. The main goal of the plan is to make India prosperous. Why because poverty is the main cause for many problems in India and pak.
I was an ordinary youth before 1986. Only with the help of Sri.Hanuman I was able to draft a fin,e plan to reestablish Ramrajya in, In,dia
A noted Rajayogi of Andhra Pradesh, south In,dia had wrote a devin,e book on palm leaves. It is Kalagnan (knowledge about Time) . It says that only 1/7 th of the world will survive after 1009 March. The fore castin,gs in, that book were came true in, past. Yet I work /advocate for the HARDY BODY-WIN,DY MIN,D-HOLY SOUL
I am just 40 years .Male/Asian /In,dian/Tami lion/residin,g at AP/Chittoor. From 1986 I am thin,kin,g about a new world in, which all the people will be with hardy body-win,dy min,d-holy soul. To achieve it at world level USA has to stop all of its production of weapons, provokin,g wars , in,trudin,g in, the local issues of world countries. To realize my ambition I had drafted a fin,e plan to resolve all the problems of In,dia by which the government can gear up for hardy body-win,dy min,d-holy soul. I had named it Operation In,dia 2000. The main, goal of the plan is to make In,dia prosperous. Why because poverty is the main, cause for many problems in, In,dia .
For the prosperity of In,dia it must employ all of its stuff in, agricultural production. As In,dia is very suitable country for agricultural sector and already 70% of the population is dependin,g upon agriculture. The main, challenge to agriculture is floods in, north and drought in, south. So I had concluded that the In,dian rivers must be lin,ked first. There are 10 crore unemployed youth bein,g wastin,g their energy in, masturbation, sex, homo sex ,eve teasin,g crimes, terrorism ,politics and all. So I had thought to use the stuff in, youth in, lin,kin,g In,dian rivers. So that I had recommended in, my plan to form a special army with 10 crore unemployed youth to lin,k all In,dian rivers.
Already there are 1000s of land lords rulin,g villages and runnin,g parallel governments. If rivers are lin,ked they will become more prosperous and become the local dons. So to balance the distribution of the factors of production among two classes and to give an opportunity to the weaker section to take active part in, production and share in, national in,come I had suggested the In,dian government to undertake all agricultural lands. As there is no economical resources the government can issue compensation in, shape of bonds payable in, double after five years. Then the government has to implement co-operative farmin,g. The farmers/land lords all must become the members of Local Agriculturists unions and under take farmin,g with the co-operation and supervision of the state and central governments.
The cooperative farmin,g will enable the society to have latest technologies, crop-in,surances, world wide marketin,g etc. But before it the black money prevailin,g in, the country must be rooted out . For this I had suggested the government to ban present currency and in,troduce new one. The people who have old currency can be in,structed to have the new by handover old currencies with documents showin,g that they are out of illegal in,comes.
To implement all the above revolutionary changes there must be a stable government and an admin,istrated entitled with full powers. For this I had suggested presidential form of government. To implement all these economical resources are vital. To mobilize resources I had enclosed Economy packages 1,2,3,4,( to enable the state governments to improve their revenue with out exploitin,g the public and to min,imize their admin,istrative expenditure) Tirumala vision 1900( to enable the admin,istrative bodies in, pilgrim me centers to min,imize their admn expenditure and to improve their revenue with out disturbin,g the sentiments of devotees) A special package for Government transport corporations etc.
I had suggested to handover Kashmir under the control of In,dia to UNO and to pressure Pak also to hand over pak occupied Kashmir to UNO. By this In,dia can divert funds from defense budge to the project of Lin,kin,g In,dian rivers. I had also suggest do try the same formula with chin,a also. By this In,dia will become prosperous and it can gear up for the hardy body-win,dy min,d-holy soul of In,dians.
For the communication and implementation of the above plan I am workin,g hard from November of 1997 itself. I am approachin,g the Speaker of loksabha to communicate my plan to all MPs. I had sent 200 copies of my plan and requested him to arrange for the distribution of my plan papers to MPs. But in,vain,. At last I had sent Rs.50/- towards postage to return plan papers through postal order and requested to return the plan and enable me to disburse them in, person . Yet they hadn’t returned.
In, the same way I was communicatin,g my plan to the CM s of Tamil Nadu and Andhra. The CM of AP N.Chandrababu naidu had wrote a letter and promised for the appropriate usage of my *suggestions. But the present CM of State hadn’t responded in, spite of 1000s of remin,ders/10 days hunger strike etc.
Recently I had complain,ed to State In,formation commission (10th of July 2006)..I thin,k it may deliver its judgment with in, days.
I had mailed my plan to each and every MP of Loksabha and Rajyasabha and also to the all CMs of In,dian states. But only one MP Sri Suresh prabhu MP of Rajapur constituency(shivsena) of Maharashtra and the government of kerala had responded in, favour.
Even the in,tellectuals and also the ordin,ary people also neglectin,g my action plan. Still I am confidant that on a day or another my plan will be applied and In,dia will become prosperous. Then only all In,dians can attain, hardy body-win,dy min,d-holy soul.
(Peruse for the post of online reporter /Translator)
Name: S.Murugeshan
Father: Late M.Sundaresan DTO
Date of birth: 07-08-1967
Address for communication:
#9-333,Vanniyar block,
Chittoor-A.P-1(South India)
Mail :
Acadamic Qualification: (Percentage of marks)
1.SSC(Tamil Medium): 72%
(English Medium) 50%
3.First 2 years of Bcom(Bachelor of Commerce)
(English Medium): 35%
Technical Qualifications:
Type writing English Lower: Failed
Command in: MS office,Internet Browzing
Languages Known: Telugu,Hindi,English,urdu
Story –Poetry writer
First Story published in Bagya(Editor-K.Bagyaraj/Tamil cinie Director
Many works published in Devi,Kalki,Vasuki,Aroodam,Anmeegam,Kavithacharan
Story –Poetry writer -Reporter
Many works published in Adhivaram Andhrajyothi,Kaliyuga naradha,broad casted in Cuddappa All India Radio
Reporter in Andhraprabha(Telugu National daily)
Essay published in Mystic India (English Magazine published from Delhi)
Passed Praveshika Examination Conducted by Dakshin Bharath Hindi Prachara sabha,Delhi
Worked as Hindi Teacher(Higher grade)
Viswam vidyanikethan,Doddapuram st,Tirupathi
Worked as:
1.Section writer in OAP under the controle of District Treasury officer
2.Checking inspector in pvt Transport Corporation, Shanmuga Transport corporation ,Chittoor-A.P
3.Sub Editor in Deiveekamaruthuvam at Vaniyambadi (T.N)
1.Participated in Elocution and Essay competition from primary school days it self.
2.Got gifts from Late .Krupananda variyar at his visit to Chittoor
Social Interest:
1.Participated in college union elections got 468 votes and defeated with a difference of 3 votes,
2.Inter caste Marriage
3.Drafted fine plan for solving all the problems of India (operation India 2000). Even the Honble.Chief Minister of AP , Nara chandrababu Naidu had wrote a letter and promised for appropriate usage of the plan.
Dependents: Wife and 14 years female baby
(under gone family planning operation even before the delivery of the first child)
I was also an ordinary youth before 1986. Only with the help of Sri.Hanuman I was able to draft a fine plan to reestablish Ramrajya in India . In the path of this mission I had experienced that from president of India to District collectors all are just Hippocrates. All are just enjoying luxury with the sources occurred out of taxes collected from the poor You can have first hand information about this through this mail.
In our country there are 40% of the people living under poverty line. There are 10 crore unemployed youth .There is no security to life . There is no food ,clothing , shelter, education, and job to the major portion of the population. Even in these days of peace(?) also the position is worse. In this condition..
A noted Rajayogi of Andhra Pradesh, south India had wrote a divine book on palm leaves. It is Kalagnan (knowledge about Time) . It says that only 1/7 th of the world will survive after 1009 March. The fore castings in that book were came true in past. Yet I work /advocate for the HARDY BODY-WINDY MIND-HOLY SOUL
I am just 40 years .Male/Asian /Indian/Tami lion/residing at AP/ Chittoor. From 1986 I am thinking about a new world in which all the people will be with hardy body-windy mind-holy soul. To achieve it at world level USA has to stop all of its production of weapons, provoking wars , intruding in the local issues of world countries. To realize my ambition I had drafted a fine plan to resolve all the problems of India by which the government can gear up for hardy body-windy mind-holy soul. I had named it Operation India 2000. The main goal of the plan is to make India prosperous. Why because poverty is the main cause for many problems in India .
For the prosperity of India it must employ all of its stuff in agricultural production. As India is very suitable country for agricultural sector and already 70% of the population is depending upon agriculture. The main challenge to agriculture is floods in north and drought in south. So I had concluded that the Indian rivers must be linked first. There are 10 crore unemployed youth being wasting their energy in masturbation, sex, homo sex ,eve teasing crimes, terrorism ,politics and all. So I had thought to use the stuff in youth in linking Indian rivers. So that I had recommended in my plan to form a special army with 10 crore unemployed youth to link all Indian rivers.
Already there are 1000s of land lords ruling villages and running parallel governments. If rivers are linked they will become more prosperous and become the local dons. So to balance the distribution of the factors of production among two classes and to give an opportunity to the weaker section to take active part in production and share in national income I had suggested the Indian government to undertake all agricultural lands. As there is no economical resources the government can issue compensation in shape of bonds payable in double after five years. Then the government has to implement co-operative farming. The farmers/land lords all must become the members of Local Agriculturists unions and under take farming with the co-operation and supervision of the state and central governments.
The cooperative farming will enable the society to have latest technologies, crop-insurances, world wide marketing etc. But before it the black money prevailing in the country must be rooted out . For this I had suggested the government to ban present currency and introduce new one. The people who have old currency can be instructed to have the new by handover old currencies with documents showing that they are out of illegal incomes.
To implement all the above revolutionary changes there must be a stable government and an administrated entitled with full powers. For this I had suggested presidential form of government. To implement all these economical resources are vital. To mobilize resources I had enclosed Economy packages 1,2,3,4,( to enable the state governments to improve their revenue with out exploiting the public and to minimize their administrative expenditure) Tirumala vision 1900( to enable the administrative bodies in pilgrim me centers to minimize their admn expenditure and to improve their revenue with out disturbing the sentiments of devotees) A special package for Government transport corporations etc.
I had suggested to handover Kashmir under the control of India to UNO and to pressure Pak also to hand over pak occupied Kashmir to UNO. By this India can divert funds from defense budge to the project of Linking Indian rivers. I had also suggest do try the same formula with china also. By this India will become prosperous and it can gear up for the hardy body-windy mind-holy soul of Indians.
For the communication and implementation of the above plan I am working hard from November of 1997 itself. I am approaching the Speaker of loksabha to communicate my plan to all MPs. I had sent 200 copies of my plan and requested him to arrange for the distribution of my plan papers to MPs. But invain. At last I had sent Rs.50/- towards postage to return plan papers through postal order and requested to return the plan and enable me to disburse them in person . Yet they hadn’t returned.
In the same way I was communicating my plan to the CM s of Tamil Nadu and Andhra. The CM of AP N.Chandrababu naidu had wrote a letter and promised for the appropriate usage of my *suggestions. But the present CM of State hadn’t responded in spite of 1000s of reminders/10 days hunger strike etc.
Recently I had complained to State Information commission (10th of July 2006)..I think it may deliver its judgment with in days.
I had mailed my plan to each and every MP of Loksabha and Rajyasabha and also to the all CMs of Indian states. But only one MP Sri Suresh prabhu MP of Rajapur constituency(shivsena) of Maharashtra and the government of kerala had responded in favour.
Even the intellectuals and also the ordinary people also neglecting my action plan. Still I am confidant that on a day or another my plan will be applied and India will become prosperous. Then only all Indians can attain hardy body-windy mind-holy soul.
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