The Spanish have one of the most centralized health care systems in the world. Patients have no choice of provider and there is almost no cost sharing. Like most centralized systems without cost-sharing, there are significant waiting times for procedures. This has resulted in a 2 tiered system where 12% of the population receives higher quality care by purchasing private insurance.
Spain ranks #7 on the WHO health care rankings and the Spanish are the second-most satisfied with the quality of their health care in Europe (behind France).
Percent Insured. 98.7%
Funding. The Spanish health care system is decentralized; health care is run independently by each of the regions (comunidades autónomas). Thus results in wide variations in health care spending and quality across each for the regions. The central government gives block grants to each region based on its population and demographics. These funds are raised from general revenues.
Private Insurance. About 12% of the population has private health insurance (about 25% of people living in Madrid or Barcelona have private health insurance). Like in other countries, we see evidence of a two-tiered system. Private insurance payments account for 21% of total heat care expenditures. Further, a fair number of Spaniards pay out-of-pocket for care outside the national healthy system.
Physician Compensation. Most physicians are quasi-civil servants and are paid a salary based on seniority and credentials. The fact that doctors are paid a salary reduces their incentive to under- or over-treat, but the fact that there is no merit pay may decrease physician effort levels. Because of lower physician pay, Spain has fewer doctors and nurses per capital than most OECD countries.
Physician Choice. Spaniards can not choose their physician. They are assigned a primary care doctor who must refer the patient in the case that specialist services are needed. Patients are not allowed to change doctors unless they have private insurance. According to Tanner, “This has sparked an interesting phenomenon whereby sick Spaniards move in order to change physicians or find networks with shorter waiting lists.”
Copayment/Deductibles. There are few copayments except for prescription drugs.
Technology. Spain has about one third as many MRI and CT units as the U.S.
Waiting Times. Waiting lists are a significant barrier to care in Spain. The average wait to see a specialist in Spain is 65 days. Waiting times for procedures are also long, up to 62 days for a prostectomy and 123 days for a hip replacement.
Benefits not covered. Rehabilitation and convalescence are not covered. Those with terminal illnesses are generally the responsibility of the patient’s relatives.
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