The stock market is in a daze. Standard and Poor’s recently downgraded the U.S. government debt from its triple A status. Control of the State Senate in Wisconsin is up in the air. There are riots in London and famine in Somalia.
Risk is one of the few constants in our lives. With risk-related topics grabbing the headlines, there is no better time to delve into the best risk-related blog posts on the web.
This week, we examine the important questions our risk experts can answer. Without further ado, I present the 137rd edition of the Cavalcade of Risk.
Post of the Week
A title was so clever I couldn’t phrase it as a question from Dr. S&P or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Credit Rating Downgrade
Health RISK
- ChristianPF asks: With a potential debt crisis mounting from the S&P downgrade, have politicians ignored a looming long-term care crisis?
- Workers’ Comp Insider wonders if Facebook, Twitter and other social media postings are fair game when conducting a workers comp fraud investigation?
- Colorado Health Insider asks Which services is HHS mandating that private insurance companies include in their benefit package?
- Disease Management Care blog asks: Why is Medicare Reform Is Unlikely? and Why does Medicare need Disease Management more than ever?
- The Health Business Blog asks Why is the current regulatory framework for “substantially equivalent” devices flawed?
- The Healthcare Economist asks Who is participating in States High Risk health insurance pools?
Personal & Business Risk
- The Thriving Small Business asks Have you put together your emergency management and disaster recovery plan?
- how to Retire Rich asks What common mistakes do people make which puts their identity at risk?
- My Personal Finance Journey asks If you were homeless, how would you improve your situation?
Entertaining Risk
- The Risk Management Monitor asks How did a drunk band leader cost Lloyd’s of London $15 million?
- Insureblog presents Because you never know…
Next Host
The next CoR host is Nina Kallen of Insurance Coverage Law in Massachusetts.
Love it! Simple, straightforward, fun!
Thanks for hosting this week, Jason!!
My apologies to Stanley Kubrick!
Thanks for hosting, Jason. Love the site.
Thanks for hosting and including my post!
Thanks for including us! Have a great week!