The College Football season has started and the NFL season begins today. For those interested in taking a risk and picking the next Super Bowl Champions, the odds-on favorite is the New England Patriots at 5:1. My team, the Green Bay Packers, is the second most-likely team to win it all at 6:1.
Risk doesn’t just happen on the football field. In this Cavalcade of Risk, I not only give you the best risk-based posts across the entire blog-o-sphere, but you also get valuable Vegas lines in celebration of the NFL season commencing.
Without further ado…
Workers Comp
- A Workers Comp claim is fraudulent – 50:1.
How can a company protect themselves against fraudulent workers comp claims? Work Comp Roundup how companies can decrease their risk of fraudulent claims through increased surveillance.
Was Tom Tupa’s Worker’s Comp claim valid? Tupa was an NFL punter from 1988 to 2005. His 17-season career with seven teams ended abruptly on August 19, 2005 during warm-ups for a preseason game. Will courts in Maryland and California permit former NFL players to file for Workers Comp? Risk Management Monitor reveals that the answer is no.
In a Labor Day Tribute to workers, Workers Comp Insider presents a multimedia look at just how risky it is to get up and go to work every day.
- Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) increases interest rates – 15:1
Do you understand interest rate risk and how to hedge against it? If not, head over to Excess Return for a discussion of how the global and local markets for capital affect interest rates.
Car Insurance
- Likelihood a licensed driver is charged with a DUI in a given year – 80:1.
- Probability of dying in a car accident – 6700:1.
- Death from high school or college football – 59 million:1
How do various traffic tickets (e.g., reckless driving, DUI) affect you’re your car insurance rates? Free Money Finance gives use the low-down.
Home Insurance
- Probability you own a home in 1930 – 4:6 (40%)
- Probability you own a home in 2004 – 7:3. (70%)
- Probability you own a home in 2011 – 1:2 (66%)
If you have a homeowner’s policy and your house is damaged, should you file a claim? The answer is not always ‘yes’. Personal Finance by the Book provides advice of when to file that insurance claim.
Have you done a thorough home insurance review? Financial Makeover Guide provides 4 useful cost saving tips that they can use that could potentially help them beat their house insurance renewal quote.
Life Insurance
- Your household has a life insurance policy – 3:7
- Consumer who believe they need more life insurance (current policyholders) – 1:4
- Consumer who believe they need more life insurance (no coverage) – 1:1
- Consumers unsure have the necessary information to prepare for retirement – 11:9
If you don’t have life insurance, check posts by One Money Design and Christian Personal Finance explaining why life insurance is important for your family. Philip Taylor of PT Money shows you how he decided how much life insurance to buy.
To improve your odds of having the necessary information you need to buy life insurance, check out My Personal Finance Journey’s post addressing some questions you will want to ask yourself before committing to buying life insurance.
Health Insurance
- Medicare beneficiary is enrolled in a private health care plan – 3:1.
- Private plan Medicare beneficiary is enrolled in an HMO – 1:2.
Medicare Advantage gives the elderly the option of receiving care through private health insurance plans. Medicare pays these plans more to care for sicker beneficiaries and less to care for healthy beneficiaries. The Healthcare Economist investigates whether the private plans are able to game this system to increase their profits.
On Deck
The next host (making his hosting debut) is Jeff Rose at Term Life Insurance by Jeff.
What a great job, Jason! Love the odds-making – cool twist!
Thanks for hosting!