Experts debate Trump drug pricing policies

What will Trump’s “favored nation” policy do to drug prices and innovation? How will 340B reforms affect the price hospitals charge for drugs? Myself and my colleague Jim Baumgardner weigh in with our thoughts in an article in FormularyWatch. “US drug prices will certainly fall. However, prices outside the US will rise,” Jason Shafrin, PhD,…

Open-Source Decision Model for Value Assessment Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

In a recently published paper in PharmacoEconomics, I–along with co-authors Devin Incerti, Jeff Curtis, Darius Lakdawalla, and Jeroen Jansen–describe a recently developed open-source platform for measuring the value of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. The model itself is here, but and the abstract from Incerti et al. (2019) is below: Objective The nature of model-based cost-effectiveness…

Does physician knowledge of patient non-compliance change prescribing behavior in the real world?

This is the topic of a recent publication with co-authors Kata Bognar, Katie Everson, Michelle Brauer, Darius Lakdawalla and Felicia Forma.  The full title is Does knowledge of patient non-compliance change prescribing behavior in the real world? A claims-based analysis of patients with serious mental illness.  The abstract is below, but do read the whole thing…

Precision Benefit Design

A recent viewpoint from Fendrick and Shope (2018) argues for the need for Precision Benefit Design. Successful implementation of precision medicine will need to address several system-wide challenges, including administrative complexities, the creation of new financing models, and aligning provider- and patient-focused initiatives. The enormous clinical potential of precision medicine sheds light on the critical…