Rock Star mortality

From The Economist (“Live fast, die young“): “Rock stars are famous for excess, and some pay the price. A new study suggests that they are up to three times more likely to die young than the rest of the population, mainly because of drug and alcohol abuse.” Click here to see a chart of the…

How a Ph.D. Can Save Your Life

Why do people, like myself, go through the grueling, boring, masochistic process of obtaining an Economics PhD. Well, according to Paul Kedrosky (“Self help“) getting a PhD can help you discover what you really like to do. …what I found out when doing my thesis — and something I noticed in pretty much everyone I…

Economy and Number Uninsured grows

Joe Paduda of Managed Care Matters reports (“Economy improves…“) that despite a growing economy and a decreasing poverty rate, the number of Americans without health insurance is growing.  Approximately 47 million Americans do not have health insurance.

Theory of the Second Best

There have been some interesting economics blog postings in recent weeks about the theory of the second best. Dani Rodrik of Harvard argues (“Why do economists disagree“) that economists can generally be viewed as first-best economists and second best economists. For instance, first-best economists would claim that all healthcare should be privately financed, with a…