Is the U.S. a single-payer system?

Most people stereotype European economies as a single payer system whereas the U.S. uses a system of private insurance that is largely unregulated.  This characterization is largely false.  The U.S. has extensive regulation.  Further, the U.S. federal government pays for the largest share of health care.  According to a CHCF report, in 2010, the federal…

Thursday Links

Which economists support Romney? 3 questions. Using computers to find “good” side effects. Obstetric unit closures and perinatal outcomes. Mixed reviews on effect of hospital EHR adoption. Costco Customers Call for ‘Americans Only’ Hours

In which states do nurse pracitioners have the broadest scope of practice?

A July 2012 IOM report recommends changing state laws to allow “nurse practitioners and physician assistants to practice to the full extent of their educational preparation.”  Based on information from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), not all states currently allow permit NPs this flexibility. Currently 16 states and the District of Columbia (see below)…