Financial Incentives and Caregiving Decisions

This is the subtitle of a study by Rebaudo et al. (2024) that aims to examine how different factors impact individual willingness to provide caregiving. The study is focused on potential caregivers in Germany. Before we get to the statistical analysis, first some background: Informal Caregiving in Germany The article provides a nice summary of…


UK medicines regulator needs more resources. Big money for biosimilars. Fixing liberalism. 2024 scientific breakthroughs. The Economist: Best books of 2024.

Broadening horizons in health technology

That is the title of an interview with me in The Evidence Base out today with the subtitle Introducing generalized cost effectiveness analysis for a comprehensive value assessment. Below is an excerpt: What is this paper about? What is new in this paper?Our recent publication presents a comprehensive framework for evaluating the societal value of health technologies,…

GCEA Value Flower: Summary and A Path Forward

Meng Li (2024) has a nice summary of the generalized cost effectiveness analysis (GCEA) user guide paper (see Shafrin et al. 2024) that was published last month. The GCEA methodology encompasses 15 ‘petals’ across four domains. The uncertainty domain captures how risk aversion and uncertainty in treatment outcomes impact value, including aspects such as outcome…

What is HEMA?

The Pink Sheet reports on a new international health technology assessment (HTA) body: Health Economics Methods Advisory group (HEMA). The Health Economics Methods Advisory group (HEMA) is a new, independent group of health technology assessment agencies from the US, England and Canada that will work together to develop recommendations on adopting novel health economic methods…

Health economic value of postacute oral nutritional supplementation in older adult medical patients at risk for malnutrition

That is my recent paper with co-authors Shanshan Wang, Jason Shafrin, and Kirk Kerr in BMJ Open. The abstract is below: Objective To estimate the health economic value of postdischarge oral nutrition supplement (ONS) consumption among elderly adults who were malnourished during hospitalisation. Design A cost-effectiveness model was developed from a US payer perspective based on a…

Speculation on RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary

From Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution: One of the problems with an RFK Jr. ascendancy is that his core views, which run strongly against vaccines and pharmaceuticals, make it unlikely that any of these reimbursement revisions will be done in a rational or scientific way. The best evidence indicates that pharmaceuticals are a relatively cost-effective ways of saving…