Friday Links

Are hospitals compliant with price transparency rules? The era of CRISPR has arrived.  AMA urges coverage of obesity drugs.  Mark Cuban’s cost plus model gaining traction among competitors.  The worst job ever? Solution to fixing primary care physician shortage is obvious.

Drug approval times around the world

How long does it take different countries/regions to approve new medications? The US is the fastest and Europe is the slowest among selected major pharmaceutical markets according to a report by EFPIA. Moreover, while a majority (7 out of 10) of therapies in the US rely on expedited approval, in Europe less than 1 in…

What discount rate does OMB use?

Different health technology assessment bodies use different discount rates. ICER uses 3%. NICE uses 3.5%, but allows for a 1.5% discount rate as an alternative approach in certain circumstances. What does the US’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) use? A OMB press release from last week recommends that government agencies use: …2.0% for effects…

Impact of 340B on the use of biosimilars

Biosimilar drugs for biologic treatments are analogous to generic drugs for branded small molecules. Switching to biosimilars after biologic patent expiry can save payers and patients money. Why doesn’t it happen more often? There are a variety of reasons but a paper by Bond et al. (2023) argues that the 340B program incentivizes hospitals to…

What is better: public or private provision of health care?

This is a question that can be answered empirically but doing so is challenging. While cross-country comparisons are feasible for comparing public and private health care provisions, often there are many other differences between health care systems across country. Within any given country, there is significant selection bias in terms of who receives public vs.…


What would happen if we allowed drug importation? An analogy from the European PC market.   Infant deaths in the US on the rise.  14 year-old invests cancer-fighting soap. UK firms to consider private health insurance? Is the AMA for or against single payer?