Bring Market Prices to Medicare

Medicare is a government-run insurance program.  Can policy changes be made to add competition to Medicare, maintain quality and reduce cost?  A book titled Bring Market Prices to Medicare argues that it can through a competitive bidding process. This book makes a number of sensible arguments which I review today. The main proposal of the…

Smoking Prevention in China

“All tobacco companies are state-owned, and the industry provides signifiant revenue; it also directly employs more than half a million people. From the government’s perspective, smoking is important to stability, both economic and social.  Some cigarettes are even subsidized–the cheapest brands cost as little as thirty cents a pack, because officials fear that farmers will…

Book Review: Macrowikinomics

The theory behind Wikipedia is that the wisdom of the masses is greater than that of a few ‘experts’.  Many people believe that Wikipedia has greatly enhanced the amount of knowledge available to the common man.  Others lament that the encyclopedia entries are not always screen and the quality of entries is highly variable.  Can…

The Drunkard’s Walk

The Drunkard’s Walk is not about drinking.  Instead, as the subtitle states, the book discusses ‘How Randomness Rules our Lives.’  Although I personally didn’t enjoy this book, I highly recommend it to most people. There are two categories of people who should not read this book: economists (me) statisticians, or mathematicians.  These people will likely…

Medicaid Overview

“If you’ve seen one Medicaid program, you’ve seen one Medicaid program.” This week, I will review some of the findings from a wonderful book titled The Politics of Medicaid.  Author Laura Katz Olson writes a well-researched book that evaluates Medicaid from the points of view of its various stakeholders including beneficiaries, providers (esp., physicians and…

Book Review: This Time is Different

What is the history of financial crises?  Why to they occur?  Are they common?  In the book This Time is Different, authors Reinhard and Rogoff assiduously review the history of government defaults and crisis of the financial system. Their data on government default is truly astounding.  They document instance of government default in multiple ways:…