Time is money in drug development

Delays in drug approvals cost pharmaceutical firms money. These costs include both lost sales as well as additional cost if clinical trials need to span a longer duration. While these facts are not in doubt, a key question is how much do delays in approval cost firms? A paper by Smith, DiMasi and Getz (2024)…

Single Arm Trials for FDA Drug Approvals in Oncology

These are becoming increasingly common. Agrawal et al. (2022) use data between 2002-2021, and found that FDA approved: …176 new malignant hematology and oncology indications based on single-arm trials, including 116 accelerated approvals (AAs) and 60 traditional approvals. Overall, 87 approvals (49%) were for new molecular entities or original biologics and 89 (51%) were supplemental…

Goal Attainment Scaling

What outcomes should be used to measure if a medicine is a “good” medicine? Improved survival? Improved ability to function? Few side effects? Ability to get back to work? Living to attend your daughter’s wedding? All of the above? Oftentimes, health economists measure value of a treatment for the average person. Preferences for efficacy, safety,…

Should you adjust for covariates when analyzing data from randomized controlled trials?

FDA draft guidance published this month says you should. In most cases, adjusting for covariates is not necessary. Randomization generally insurers that covariates are balanced across clinical trial arms. Randomization, however, may not always result in perfectly balanced trial arms. In these cases, the FDA notes that covariate adjustment is perfectly acceptable. There are some…