Empirical Estimates of Loss Aversion

Kahneman and Tversky’s Prospect Theory posit that individuals have loss aversion. What is loss aversion? It means that individuals experience losses more intensely than gains of the same magnitude; for instance, the psychological impact of losing a certain amount of money is greater than the pleasure derived from gaining that same amount. A key question…

Is it time to start using a 2% discount rate?

Cohen (2024) argues that health economists should start using 2% discount rates for health economic models. Why is that? I summarize the article below. First, Cohen discusses two different methods for estimating discount rates. Ramsey equation. This approach consider 4 factors: pure time preference, catastrophic risk, wealth effect, and macroeconomic risk. The first 3 factors…

Trading off lives for self-driving car decision-making

From Habla et al. (2024): Using a representative survey with 1317 individuals and 12,815 moral decisions, we elicit Swedish citizens’ preferences on how algorithms for self-driving cars should be programmed in cases of unavoidable harm to humans. Participants’ choices in different dilemma situations (treatments) show that, at the margin, the average respondent values the lives…

What would happen if we eliminated medical debt?

Medical debt in the U.S. is a major problem. While over 90% of individuals have health insurance, many people are uninsured and even those with insurance may be liable to high deductibles and copayments. A Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis uses data from Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and finds that: …20 million…

2024 Clark Medalist: Philipp Strack

Congratulations to Philipp Strack who has won the 2024 John Bates Clark Medal. The John Bates Clark Medal is awarded annually each April to that American economist under the age of forty who is judged to have made the most significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge. The American Economic Association webpage has a nice…

RIP: Daniel Kahneman

Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman passed away today. His work incorporating psychology into economics through Prospect Theory has been a major advance. From the N.Y. Times obituary: Professor Kahneman delighted in pointing out and explaining what he called universal brain “kinks.” The most important of these, the behaviorists hold, is loss-aversion: Why, for example, does…

ISPOR’s Top 10 HEOR Trends

These trends are summarized on their webpage and in a larger report. Here they are with some key excerpts from their report: Real world Evidence. “As RWE continues to gain significant traction in healthcare, agencies including the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), The National Institute for Health and…

The Carer QALY Trap

The term “Carer QALY” was coined in a paper by Mott et al. (2023) and is identified as the case where “it is possible for an effective treatment that provides survival gains (with relatively little or no QOL gain) to appear less effective than the comparators when carer QOL is considered.” While the term “Carer…