China Makes, The World Takes

There is a very interesting article by James Fallows in The Atlantic Monthly regarding the manufacturing sector in China, with a particular focus on Shenzhen. The article requires a subscription but the Finance Famulus and The Huffington Post websites offer an excerpts.  There is slide show on the Atlantic website for free, however, which also…

Econ Department Rankings

Although a little out of date, I came across a recent rankings of U.S. Economics departments. The paper (“Rankings of U.S. Economics Departments“) is written by Richard Dusansky and Clayton J. Vernon and was published in The Journal of Economic Perspectives in 1998. The rankings are as follows: Rank University 1 Princeton 2 Harvard 3…

The Use of Knowldege in Society

On The Library of Economics and Liberty website, there is an interesting article from a Friedrich Hayek‘s 1945 AER paper (“The Use of Knowledge in Society“). The paper begins with a discussion of scientific compared to practical knowledge (i.e.: the knowledge of the particular circumstances of time and place). “…scientific knowledge, occupies now so prominent…

ESD: Louis Eeckhoudt

In the forthcoming days, I will be summarizing some of the lectures given at the European Science Days summer school in Steyr, Austria. On the first day, there was an interesting lecture by Louis Eeckhoudt about risk and pain disaggregation. Most individuals are familiar with the concept of risk aversion. However, the lecture spoke extensively…

A New Empiricism

What is more important: economic theory or testing these theories empirically? In her paper in the Economists’ Voice, Barbara Bergmann calls for “A New Empiricism” in the field of economics. For instance, the assumption that individuals are rational decision makers may be hard to substantiate empirically. The researchers [Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky] found that…

Stand-up Economist

If you’re an economist and in need of a laugh, check out the Stand-up Economist’s Principles of Economics, Translated on YouTube. Is their a difference between micro-economists and macro economists? “The difference of course being that micro economists are people who are wrong about specific things, and macro economists are wrong about things in general.”

AMA takes on Retail Clinics

As my colleague Mike Ewens wrote to me: “Monopolists hate competitors and have to use the government to keep them away.” An example that takes center stage can be found in a recent Chicago Tribune article (“AMA takes on Retail Clinics“) . Some doctors have asked the AMA to ban on in-store clinics currently being…

Today’s Recipe: How to cook the books

Giving corporate executives bonuses based on the performance metrics of the company they manage is one way to incentivize managers to increase profits, sales, company stock price or any other financial measure. But is this the best way to run a company? In 1985, Paul Healy wrote prescient paper of how corporate executives can alter…

Pay Enough or Don’t Pay At All

Monetary incentives improve performance. This statement is almost gospel in the economics field. For instance, if I pay all my blog readers $1 for each time they visit this website, it is likely that the traffic on Healthcare Economist will increase dramatically. Sales staff compensated on a 100% commission basis often sell more items than…