End of life care in China

An interesting article from Longreads on dealing with a grandmother’s terminal illness in China. Guo Zhen didn’t know she had cancer, and my family had carefully devised a strategy to keep it that way. Doctors and nurses in the hospital had been instructed to never speak of her illness in her presence, and visitors to…

Is the UK celebrating NHS’s 70th birthday?

Last weekend, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) turned 70.  NHS is a protocolical single payer system.  Whereas Canada is a single payer system, provinces rather than the federal government makes most decisions and providers (i.e., hospitals and physicians) are private, for-profit businesses.  In the Netherlands, on the other hand, both providers and health…

Health care in Peru

Located in South America, Peru is almost twice the size of Texas and has 31 million people.  About one third of these live along the coast, largely in Lima.  About half of the population–largely Amerinidan population–live in the Andean highlands, with the rest spread on the eastern slopes of the Andes and the adjoining rainforest. …