How to pick a career

When exploring what type of career to pursue, legendary strength Coach Dan John believes that you’ve found a career if and only if you can answer the following 3 questions: Do you love it? Are you any good at it? Does anyone need you to do it? If the answer is ‘yes’ to all 3…

Quotation of the Day

Sometimes I hear tech people saying they are building machines that think like people. Then I report this ambition to neuroscientists and their response is: That would be a neat trick, because we don’t know how people think. David Brooks, “Many People Fear A.I.: They Shouldn’t” NY Times.

Quotation of the Day

A great conversation is between two people who think the other is wrong. A bad conversation is between those who think something is wrong with you. Micah Goodman, as written in David Brooks’ book How to Know a Person

Quotation of the Day: On travel

Such are the prosaic problems of the modern traveller. The transport part takes no time at all these days; it is the bureaucracy that is interminable. We are constantly being told that we live in a world without borders, in a globalized age, but only if you have the right passport and the right papers.…

How are the stock market and quantum mechanics related?

From a Lex Fridman interview with theoretical physicist Lisa Randall. “Stocks may not achieve a precise value until they’re traded, but that doesn’t mean we can’t approximate their worth until they change hands. Similarly, electrons might not have definite properties, but they do exist. It’s true that the electron doesn’t exist as a classical object…

Quotation of the Day

We ought not be ashamed of appreciating the truth and of acquiring it wherever it comes from, even if it comes from races distant and nations different from us. For the seeker of truth, nothing takes precedence over the truth, and there is no disparagement of the truth, nor belittling either of him who speaks…