Nurse anesthetists: To Reimburse or Not to Reimburse?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved reimbursing nurse anesthetists for care provided to Medicare beneficiaries. Critics say it jeopardizes patient safety, while supporters say it extends health care to pain patients who are often underserved by the medical community. The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) (unsurprisingly) applauds the decision. Janice…

In which states do nurse pracitioners have the broadest scope of practice?

A July 2012 IOM report recommends changing state laws to allow “nurse practitioners and physician assistants to practice to the full extent of their educational preparation.”  Based on information from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), not all states currently allow permit NPs this flexibility. Currently 16 states and the District of Columbia (see below)…

Patients demand for on-demand care

As patients are becoming used to quicker turn-around times in other retail industries, expectations regarding health care waiting times are rising.  As PwC reports: Heightened desire for “on-demand” healthcare in the form of telemedicine, mobile health, social media and retail clinics has fueled the move toward healthcare anywhere, anytime. Nearly one in four consumers surveyed…

Home Births: Feminists vs. OB/GYNs

Why aren’t physicians more supportive of home births and midwifery?  The answer is that it eats into their market share and reduces their income. “[In the 1970s] feminists argued that medical care needed to be demystified and women’s lives demedicalized.  They maintained that childbirth was not a disease and normal deliveries did not require hospitalization…

Are nurse practitioners cost effective?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are non-physician clinicians that can often either assist or directly provide primary care. Some studies have found that NPs can independently manage 80 percent of patients’ primary care needs. Other studies show that NPs provide high-quality care. A recent article, however, suggests that NPs may not be cost effective.  This is a curious…

Health Insurance for Truckers

Accountable Care Organizations.  Medical Homes.  Integrated networks of providers.  Many of the latest health services research catch phrases are attempting to provide patients with a one-stop shop for all their health care needs.  The integrated systems attempt to prevent situations such as when  multiple physicians prescribe a host of drugs, some of which could be contraindicated. These integrated…