Why don’t physicians accept Medicaid patients?

One reason is that reimbursement rates for Medicaid are lower than for Medicare or commercial insurance. Another (often overlooked) factor, however, is physician’s risk of payment denials and the administrative hassle they face trying to get reimbursed by Medicaid. A paper by Dunn et al. (2024)–cleverly named “A Denial a Day Keeps the Doctor Away“–shows…

What is better: public or private provision of health care?

This is a question that can be answered empirically but doing so is challenging. While cross-country comparisons are feasible for comparing public and private health care provisions, often there are many other differences between health care systems across country. Within any given country, there is significant selection bias in terms of who receives public vs.…

How does changing capitation share impact service provision in mixed reimbursement environments?

There has been much research showing that fee-for-service (FFS) leads to increased provision of medical services and capitation leads to decreased provision of medical services. My own research shows that there are system-wide effects and that the impact of capitation for primary care physicians on services may depend on whether specialists are also reimbursed via…

Trends in Private Equity Acquisition of Oncology Clinics

That is the topic of a recent paper Tyan, Lam and Milligan (2023). Using newly created database from financial databases combined with press releases, news sources, clinic websites, and financial 10-K reports, the authors found that: During 2003 to 2022, 724 oncology clinics (53% radiation, 32% medical, 15% multi-oncologic) became affiliated with a PE-backed platform…