Out of Pocket Costs for Follow-Up Tests After Abnormal Screening Mammogram and Their Impact on Breast Cancer Survival

Today, the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network released a report titled “Out of Pocket Costs for Follow-Up Tests After Abnormal Screening Mammogram and Their Impact on Breast Cancer Survival.” The empirical analysis was conducted by myself and some colleagues at FTI Consulting (Shanshan Wang, Shurui Zhang, Citseko Staples Miller, and Sophia Mildred Setterberg). An…

Healthcare Economist on Marketplace

What are the economic consequences of the updated USPSTF recommendations to move the age for annual breast cancer screening to age 40? I was interviewed at NPR’s Marketplace Morning Report today (May 11, 2023) to help answer the question. You can listen to the episode here (the segment on breast cancer screening starts at 5:32).…

Algorithms to Predict Breast Cancer Stage

Cost effectiveness and quality analysis of the treatment of cancer has long been a goal of health services researchers.  In particular, researchers aim to determine whether various treatments provide cost-effective methods to improve longevity and quality.  Physicians, however, use different treatments depending on the patient’s cancer stage.  Although most cost-effectiveness researchers want to take into…