Innovation in small markets

The introduction of new treatment technologies typically occurs where there is a large market.  A lot of innovations are developed to treat disease that affect a large number of people in the developed world because the financial returns are large.  It is less likely to observe innovation in the treatment of rare diseases or diseases…

International Healthcare Models: Japan

Here is my earlier review of the Japanese healthcare system.  Additional information on medical care in Japan is below. Funding The system is largely funded through payroll taxes.  Employees pay a larger share of the payroll tax than employers.     Insurance is bought from public sector sources. There is no private sector insurance companies. Co-pays…

How to make your city clean like Tokyo

I just recently returned from my honeymoon in Tokyo, Japan and Bali, Indonesia.  One thing anyone visitng Tokyo will notice is that it is very clean .  Further, Japan has the most advanced toilets in the world.  On the other hand, most Balinese burn their trash.  Why is Tokyo so clean when other world cities…

Health Care Around the World: Japan

Japan has universal health insurance based around a mandatory, employment-based insurance. “The Employee Health Insurance Program requires all companies with 700 of more employees to provide workers with health insurance among some 1,800 ‘society-managed’ plans. Nearly 85% of these plans cover a single company…Most of the rest of the [health insurance plans] are industry-based.” Small…