What makes a drug “special”?

A recent paper by Kacerek and Mattingly (2025) aims to answer why certain drugs are defined as “specialty” drugs and others are not. They first cite an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report: The OIG found that there was no standard definition in Medicaid and that Medicaid programs used more than 100 different characteristics to…

How would the inclusion of specialty drugs impact CPI-Rx?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS’) Prescription Drug Consumer Price Index (CPI‐Rx) looks at price changes for drugs dispensed at outpatient retail pharmacies. However, many pharmaceuticals–especially infusions and injections–are administered at physician offices or hospitals. How would including physician-administered drugs impact the CPI-Rx? That is the question a paper by Hicks, Berndt and Frank (2024)…

Do specialty drugs provide good value?

Specialty drugs have greatly improved quality and duration of life for many patients.  Specialty drugs have been developed for a variety of illnesses, such as cancer, hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.  However, these drugs are typically very expensive.  Are they worth the cost? A paper by Chambers et al. (2014) find the following: …specialty drugs offered…