Healthcare Europa reports that despite being in a public healthcare system, many physicians receive informal payments to supplement their income.
“The top doctors, the ones in managerial positions in hospitals, make 5-10 times their monthly salaries of Euros 1,000 to Euros 2,000 from informal payments. They will also take bribes on any new equipment or facilities – 10% is the going rate.”
From conversations with some Chinese friends, I have heard that in China, it is also common for patients to pay physicians informally in exchange for quicker service or access to better physicians. If these payments are unreported, this may underestimate the true cost of running a public health insurance system.
“If these payments are unreported, this may underestimate the true cost of running a public health insurance system.”
All I can say after a loosely based statement like that is that you may underestimate the difference between Western (or the Nordic countries) and Eastern Europe.
Your post should have been clearer about the content of the original article. It refers to EASTERN European physicians, while your post makes it seem like it refers to all European physicians.