Today, March 24th, is World Tuberculosis Day. According to UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon, there were 9.4 million new TB cases in 2008 and 1.8 million deaths. The CDC website has more information on what can be done to stop the spread of TB.
There is lots of coverage of the TB Day activities from around the world including news articles on: Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Palestine, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, U.S.
The Financial Times believes that the private sector must play a role in order to defeat TB: “Governments and their international partners must recognise that health is an investment. The only successful exit strategy in the struggle against the TB, HIV and TB/HIV pandemics is to include them as part of broader development and poverty reduction strategies, and to strengthen health systems to respond more effectively to the needs of the most vulnerable populations. The private sector has a key role in making this happen,””