Here is my earlier review of Italy’s healthcare system. Below is more information.
- Physicians can treat patients in both the public and private sector.
- Citizens must enroll with a GP, but can choose their own doctor.
- Initial training requires 6 years with a dissertation required for completion. After that students can practice as GPs or study another 3-5 years to specialize.
- The government determines the number of GP slots each year, and competitive tests determine who gets these slots.
- Physician ratio: 1:2000
- Locally administered.
- Guardia Medica: over 3000 stations that provide around the clock emergency services.
- Federal and regional taxes support the healthcare system.
- The National Solidarity Fund allows the central government can transfer funds from regions showing a surplus to those with a deficit.
Source: Roth, WF (2010) Comprehensive Healthcare for the U.S.: An Idealized Model. Productivity Press, 174 pages.
France has a ratio of 1:330 ? Compared to Germany and Italy that’s a big difference. Are you sure that’s correct?