Health Reform

How will Health Reform Affect You?

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has put together a series of briefs which explain how Health Reform will affect various types of consumers.  These briefs include:

Although are a lot of these types of guides out there, the RWJ briefs are generally fairly comprehensive yet also easy to read.  There is even a brief on how health reform will affect health outcomes, even though I believe the ability to predict whether outcomes will improve or not will depend a lot on how health reform is implemented.

1 Comment

  1. The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families is conducting a survey that will help policymakers understand how health reform is impacting the health care coverage of children and young adults. If you know someone whose child was denied health insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition or had a pre-existing condition excluded from coverage, or has an under 26 year old child who is uninsured, please ask them to take this quick survey

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