How much does the U.S. federal government pay for pharmaceuticals?

A number of different federal agencies buy prescription drugs. However, the price at which these pharmaceuticals are purchased varies dramatically. To quantify this variation, a 2021 report from the Congressional Budget Office examines the following prices: Medicare Part D: the prescription drug program for Medicare beneficiaries. Prices are set when private insurers (or pharmacy benefit…


ISPOR’s new Science Strategy. MedPAC: “CMMI has put 54…[alternative payment] models into practice during the past decade. But only four of them have met the criteria for expansion.” Lifestyle and mental health disruptions since COVID-19. Impact of COVID-19 on small business CDC guidance for the fully vaccinated

Should pay toilets be illegal?

At first glance, John Cochrane makes a compelling case that pay toilets should not be illegal. The absence of pay toilets is in fact a delightful encapsulation of so much that is wrong with American economic policy these days. Activists decide free toilets are a human right, and successfully campaign to ban pay toilets. For…