A Health Wonk Review Smorgasbord

The Workers Comp Insider hosts this week’s edition of the Health Wonk Review.  My favorite posts include: Skepticism on private health providers pledge to cut $2 trillion in costs: here, here and here. Wellcare is a publicly-help company whose revenues come from government contracts and who pumped $2.4-million into the Florida political system in the ’04…

More Google Innovations

Google now has a website in Beta called Knol.  Knol basically has a bunch of user responses to ‘how-to’ questions.  The winner of a Google contest for the best knol was how to “Talk to Your Doctor” by Dr. Jennifer Frank.  The article gives a list of things to bring to a doctor’s visit, such…

Medicare trust fund to be tapped out by 2017

Bond Markets seem to be concerned over the escalating level of U.S. Government debt.  Yields rose during the latest $14 billion auction of U.S. 30-year Treasury Bonds.  This graph shows an ominous budget deficit trend as well.  There seems to be good reason for this.   American’s stimulus plan and entitlement programs are putting an…

Why does Acupuncture Work?

A recent study found that “Acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic back pain. People receiving acupuncture are more likely to get better.” How does it work? The treatment’s placebo effect explains the study’s findings. Researchers found that acupuncture was effective whether or not the skin was punctured.