Crony Capitalism

Recently, we have seen a shift towards the left in Latin America. Socialistic presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia (who just nationalized Bolivia’s national gas industry) and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela both enjoy much popular support. Brazilian president Lula Da Silva has a background as a union leader and Nestor Kirchner of Argentina also rose to…

Failure of Medical Malpractice Law: Part II

Recently, I wrote a post regarding the inefficiency of the Medical Malpractice system. Both Brennan, Sox and Burstin (1996) and Studdert, Mello and Brennan (2004) found that not only were there many frivolous suits brought to court, but even more prevalent was the phenomenon that individuals who suffered negligent care did not sue (only 3%…

A Heart Attack system in San Diego

You feel an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing the center of your chest.  The pain spreads to your shoulders, your neck and then your arms.  As you begin to perspire, you are suddenly overwhelmed with lightheadedness and nausea.  You are having a heart attack and you need to find help soon. If you were living in San…

Update regarding “Drugs: U.S. versus Mexico”

Earlier I posted that Mexico would pass a bill decriminalizing drug use.  Late last night, howeer,  President Vicente Fox decided not to approve the Mexican law which would have decriminalized minor drug use.  The Chicago Tribune (“Mexico’s Fox retreats…“) implied that this reversal was due significant pressure exerted by the U.S. on Mr. Fox.

Drugs: U.S. versus Mexico

Less than two weeks ago, the New York Times (“Report Illumintes Wide Divide…“) reported that FDA has denied that there are any medicinal benefits to marijuana. The article continues stating: While it has always been the drug enforcement agency’s policy to enforce laws against marijuana, [DEA spokeswomen] Ms. Waite said, “now it’s clearly out there,…

Corruption in the FDA

Pharmaceutical companies spent hundreds of millions of dollars in order to gain FDA approval for their products. A biologist at the FDA headquarters makes between $38 and $86 thousand.  The diffeence between these two sums is emormous; thus, it would not be surprising if the FDA was ripe with corruption. Sure enough, the New York…

Dubai Healthcare City

My friend and General Electric financial analyst Matt Janner is currently working in Dubai.  He has sent me some wonderful articles about the emirate and one of its newest investments: “Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC).”  Here is a brief summary of what I have gleaned from these articles. Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities…

Markets at work in rural India

What happens to farmers in developed nations when they or their family members get sick? Typically, much of a farmer’s savings is tied up in illiquid assets (land, crops, fertilizer, etc.) and the farmer turns to the town money lender. Since there is less competition for loans in rural areas, the money lender can charge…