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Reference pricing in Germany. End of life therapy after checkpoint inhibitors. Private equity and healthcare. medRxiv vs. peer-reviewed journals. Health benefits of long-term care insurance.


Do doctors get too much or too little respect? Why you should use a matched-pair design for your RCT. Fertility care and sickle cell disease. Pandemic’s impact on workers’ comp financials. Incentives matter.


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Impact of elections on health care.  “This is our COVID” Are patient satisfaction scores harming patients and physicians? The cost of satisfaction. Proposal for a healthcare minimum wage. Crypto news: Don’t regulate crypto. SBF interview.


Costs and benefits of advance preparations for future pandemics. ISPOR Europe Round-ups: Day 1, 2 and 3 Impending intergenerational crisis. Limited COVID-19 vaccine externalities? Free insulin (not real) Puerto Rico’s health success in the mid-20th century.

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Reforming the WHOs Essential Medicines List. Should countries ban dual practice by physicians? Evidence on alcohol use. College vaccine mandates and COVID deaths. Using natural experiments for analysis of population health. 4 in 5 pregnancy-related deaths are preventable.