Thursday Links

Economics is really, really, really, really, really, really, really hard. Births via c-section: ~1/3. FQBHCs. Gaming the system in Massachusetts. Why Big Pharma should buy your doctor lunch sometimes. Mass. health reform increases ER utilization? “MedPAC on steroids” weakening

A solution to save the postal service?

The post office has been struggling lately.  They have been bleeding red ink and losing market share to internet-based communication.  In fact, the U.S. post office recently announced that it will raise the price of a stamp to 46 cents. What is the post office solution?  According to Marketplace: Canadian researcher Robert Campbell says post…

Thursday Links

Food subsidies harm nutrition? Employment leads to greater alcohol use. Should time on the waiting list matter for kidney allocation? For Mexicans, health declines with time in the US. Limiting antibiotics in meat. STD rates for swingers vs. prostitutes.

Red White and Blue Links

With a magical goal scored in penalty time time, the U.S. advances outside of the group stage of the World Cup.  In honor of this emotional victory, today’s links are themed red, white and blue. Cash to take your medicine. Will health reform control costs? Tax rates by quintile graphic. The effect of mandates for…

Friday Links

Mentally ill patients receiving appropriate care: <¼. Treating Alzheimer’s. A minimum alcohol price: Will it improve health or increase bootlegging. Evidence-based guidelines using Genomic Medicine. Who’s getting stimulus money for Health IT? Tragedy, Honor and Redemption.

Rand Paul and the oil spill

Rand Paul is the the son of libertarian Senator Ron Paul and is currently running for Senate in the state of Kentucky.  Although Dr. Paul (an ophthalmologist) recently won the primary in his state, he’s gotten in some hot water for some comments he made.  For instance, he’s stated opposition to some parts of the…

Latvian ‘Robin Hood’

On Thursday I blogged that fiscal stimulus and bail outs may improve economic performance in the short run, but rarely in the long run.  Often these bailouts are accompanied by mandatory salary decreases for key company leadership.  It turns out that these bailouts may not even help in the short run…unless you are a company…