For those with a personal blog…

A recent Economist article (see a reprint at the Librarian’s Place blog) chronicles the career of Mena Trott.  Mrs. Trott (along with her husband) founded Six Apart, a company whose blogging enterprises include Typepad, Movable Type and Live Journal.  The most recent and perhaps most profound innovation by the couple at Six Apart is the…

Adding more time to your day

Getting more done in less time is the key to a productive day. Working efficiently is important for not just graduate students, but anyone who has to manage many tasks at once. The “All-but-dissertation Survival Guide” gives a few good pointers. Five Secrets to Add More Time to your Day, by Carrie Silver-Stock, MSW, LCSW…

Environmental Economist blog

If you are sick and tired of reading health care blogs, you may want to look at a blog which looks at the health of the environment.  Natural Capital is an environment economics blog by Robert Metcalfe, a PhD student at Imperial College London’s Tanaka Business School.  A visitor will even find an entertaining cartoon…

Empirical Research: Wine and longevity

In January of this year, I wrote (“Does drinking wine truly increase longevity“) that I was doubtful that wine has a large impact on longevity.  As a dedicated social scientist, I have decided not to simply accept the findings of other experts, but instead to do some of my own empirical research.  Monday and Tuesday…

Looking at healthcare…health care…health-care????

Healthcare Economist.  Why not Health Care Economist?  Or Health-care Economist?  Which one is correct? The Chicago Manual of Style webpage offers a discussion of the issue.  The site claims that ‘health care’ is the correct spelling according to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition.  One individual, however, writes to the website saying: “I find in my American…