Quotation of the Day

“A lot of people think government action saved capitalism. It didn’t. Capitalism saved capitalism.   A lot of people think the government didn’t have any plans with regard to Lehman Brothers. It did. The plans just didn’t work.” Tom Junod “The Deal of the Century” Esquire.

Quotation of the Day

“The whole notion that the music industry has been operating under for the last 10, 15 years is that every download represents a lost sale. You know, what has radio been except for a free download?  People want to hear the music first before they invest in it. If it’s good, they’re going to want…

Out of Office Message

Today marks my last blog post as Jason Shafrin, the single, avant garde Healthcare Economist.  Yesterday I was lucky enough to marry a beautiful, intelligent, creative woman that will make me happy the rest of my life.  We are heading off on a 12 day honeymoon on Tuesday.  Blog posting will resume on Monday, August…

The newest Research Associate at Acumen, LLC

Tomorrow, I begin my first day of work at Acumen, LLC.  Founded by Stanford Economist Thomas MaCurdy, Acumen specializes in program evaluation for Medicare and Medicaid.  Here are some more details from the Acumen website: Acumen, LLC was established by scholars from Stanford University in 1996 to improve the information provided to policymakers who design and revise welfare,…


Health Plan CEO Compensation. How to produce drugs for developing nations. Obesity…not as bad as previously thought. “Overweight or obese had fewer complications and a lower 1-year mortality than those who were thin or of normal weight.” Sotomayor: Supreme Court nominee, diabetic. The Packers new 3-4 defense. Barça ganó el Champions. My favorite news magazine…