The cost of being unusual

“Overall the more mixed the crowd, and the greater the number of dimensions of status and achievement, the greater the chance that unusual people will find a means of excelling or just surviving or fitting in.  To put it another way, the mixing of populations lowers the cost of being unusual.  That’s why gay people…

Effect of Decreasing Medicare Reimbursement Rates on CABG Surgeries

Many researchers claim that decreasing physician reimbursement will decrease Medicare expenditures.  Mechanically, this is true, but in reality, physicians may adjust their treatment behavior to make up for lost income.  A study by Yip (1998) evaluates how change in reimbursement for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgeries affected the volume of CABG surgeries physicians perform. …

Quotation of the Day

With the business world hurting, the MBA is falling out of favor.  In truth, the MBA has been useful for only a few things. Learning basic accounting and statistics skills is helpful in business, but one could learn these skills elsewhere.  The MBA is most useful for networking with other future business leaders.  Thus, the…

Weekend Links

Thirdhand Smoke and treating PTSD with Tetris. Eastern European healthcare market roundup. Swine flu vaccine for children recalled for potency drop. One of the clearest, most concise explanations of what went wrong during the mortgage meltdown. HIV microbicides?  Too bad they don’t work.


Campaign to reduce hospital-acquired infections. Malpractice litigation accounts for roughly 2-10% of medical expenditures. In Australia: Private hospitals persistently outperform public hospitals. New anti-discrimination law: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. “The surgical research establishment has told patients what…best suits the surgeons’ economic interests, but not what those patients want and need to know.”