IVI’s Research Framework to Understand the Full Range of Economic Impacts on Patients and Caregivers

The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) and AcademyHealth have developed a consensus document titled “A Research Framework to Understand the Full Range of Economic Impacts on Patients and Caregivers” Direct Medical Costs: Patient or caregiver costs paid to a healthcare provider or healthcare system. Non-Clinical Healthcare Costs: Costs that are a direct result of seeking…

What is MCDA and why do we need it?

Value measurement using cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is one of the core stables of health economic research.  CEA often uses quality adjusted life years (QALYs) to capture how a treatment affects a patients mortality and morbidity.  CEA makes explicit assumptions about the tradeoffs between mortality and morbidity by assuming these are additive.  Further, this approach, however,…

New Research Brief Series Launched by IVI to Share Learnings from the Open-Source Value Project

Guest post by Mark Linthicum, Director of Scientific Communications at The Innovation and Value Initiative To get to Value Assessment 2.0, a concerted effort across fields of expertise is needed to improve methods and establish practical approaches that make sense in real-world decision making. The Innovation and Value Initiative’s Open-Source Value Project aims to catalyze…

Are open-source approaches to value measurement the wave of the future?

My colleagues Jeroen Jansen, Devin Incerti along with Jeff Curtis think so. In JMCP they write: In the United States, there is an increased interest to understand the value of health technologies. Cost-effectiveness analysis is arguably the most appropriate framework to quantify value and to inform reimbursement decision making regarding medical interventions; however, a thorough…

IVI Webinars On New Open-Source Value Model

IVI will be hosting two webinars introducing our new open-source value model in non-small cell lung cancer. Devin Incerti and Jeroen Jansen will lead the webinar tomorrow. Modernizing Models for Value Assessment: A Detailed Discussion of the Open-Source IVI-NSCLC Model Date: February 27, 2019 at 2:30 PM EST / 11:30 AM PST Content: In-depth discussion…

Open-Source Decision Model for Value Assessment Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

In a recently published paper in PharmacoEconomics, I–along with co-authors Devin Incerti, Jeff Curtis, Darius Lakdawalla, and Jeroen Jansen–describe a recently developed open-source platform for measuring the value of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. The model itself is here, but and the abstract from Incerti et al. (2019) is below: Objective The nature of model-based cost-effectiveness…

IVI-NSCLC Value Tool

Please see below some exciting news from the Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) on the release of the IVI-NSCLC Value Tool. The press release is below. IVI is excited to publish our Open-Source Value Platform (OSVP) model focusing on epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) positive, non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we invite public…