Innovation and Value Initiative in the news

The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) where I serve as the Director of Research was recently in the news with a Journal of Clinical Pathways interview with Executive Director Jennifer Bright and Director of Scientific Communications Mark Linthicum.  Some excerpts: Can you tell us about the Innovation and Value Initiative? Bright: We are working in three primary areas.…

The IVI-NSCLC model is coming

The Innovation and Value Initiative today announced that it is in the process of releasing a new model and value tool to evaluate treatments for for EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).  More details on the model (named the IVI-NSCLC model) are available here, which includes a study protocol and model timeline. Oncology is an…

Open-Source Tools for Value Assessment

While many advancements have been made thus far in the progression toward value-based health care, there are persistent challenges in the measurement of value. In order to deliver value-based care, health care decision makers, eg, insurers and health system administrators, need value data at their fingertips—data that are relevant to their own context and reflect…

New IVI Report Examines Imbalances in Health Care Effectiveness Analyses

The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) – a collaboration of academics, patient advocacy organizations, payers, life sciences companies, providers, delivery systems, and other organizations dedicated to finding scientifically credible approaches to measuring value in health care – today released a report examining imbalances in cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) across pharmaceuticals, medical/surgical treatments, and mixed procedures. The report, Expanding Cost-Effectiveness…

To get our money’s worth in healthcare, we need to collaborate

This is the title of an interesting commentary in Modern Healthcare by my colleague Mark Linthicum. An excerpt is below. In healthcare, different stakeholders have vastly different perceptions of value, with important implications for decisionmaking. An employer paying for healthcare may want to find solutions that decrease employee absences and prevent lengthy hospitalizations. A health…

IVI releases its Open-Source Value Project

The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI)–where I serve as the Director of Research–today released its first Open-Source Value Project in rheumatoid arthritis.  I have pasted the press release below.  Go check it out! Press release:  The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) – a collaboration of academics, patient advocacy organizations, payers, life sciences companies, providers, delivery systems, and other organizations dedicated to finding scientifically…

IVI Model highlights ACR Conference

As reported in a Academy of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy newsletter, titled “Mathematical Model Aims to Improve Cost-Effectiveness of Rheumatology Treatment“, the Innovation and Value Initiative’s is highlighted from the American College of Rheumatology conference.  Here is an excerpt: Biological therapies for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis have significantly improved treatment and prognosis. However,…