Links: Money and Medical Care

Cost of Health Reform: $894 billion or 1.3 trillion? Why is health care so expensive? Prices. Should urban or rural hospitals get Medicare funds? The efficiency of replacing earnings-related contributions by per-capita health premia in Germany. Start-up costs for health insurance co-operatives: $1.7 billion to $45.6 billion.


Public option?  More competition?  Health care costs go up not matter what.  A history of Group Health Cooperative. Why the cost of lab tests is cheaper in Germany than in France.  A Detailed Report on the Private Healthcare Services Market in Eastern Europe. Hedghog Health Insurance.

Friday Links

Here’s some fun reading to take you into the weekend: Employer-provided family health insurance premiums reach $13,375, a 131% increase over the 1999 levels.  Contracting out medical care in prisons increases mortality. Long wait times in Europe? Not for the highly educated. Optimal level of market power for health insurers. Best and worst state healthcare…

Tuesday Links

Blogger Disclosure Rules. [Don’t worry, the Healthcare Economist does not take any money for endorsements.] Broadway weighs in on health care. Switzerland: universal coverage with private, not-for-profit health insurance companies. $6.6 billion pharmaceutical deal. Problem with many P4P measures: small sample size.

Friday Links

Jacob Hacker thinks Co-ops have “have little chance of offering the broad choice of providers and portable, standardized, nation-spanning coverage that a national public plan offers.” Health Care is a right: An Interpretation through Dance.   Rules for Re-writing. HMOs can reduce defensive medicine without tort reform.  PPOs cannot. Tort reform may not be cost effective.


Monday Links: Economists solve an age-old economics problem: toilet seat up or down? Is Sweden is more capitalist than the U.S.? Is $100 million proton beam radiation therapy technology worth the money? Anti-depressants reduce crime? Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust. He needs to review the many resources available at the Holocaust Education Resource Center‘s new website.…


Some links for you to enjoy over the weekend. The public plan will cost the same as private plans. How to get your economics article published?  Make it complicated. How much does your healthcare reform bill cost? Opening the Health Insurance Exchange to all. Measuring (healthcare) consumer confidence. President Obama promised to make it illegal for…


We don’t need a public option. We do need a public option. The anti-savings account: 0.2% interest rate, 0.3% expense ratio. The deadliest child killer is… Is capitation the way to go? Look to California’s experience.