Goozner on SCHIP

Merrill Goozner has an in-depth analysis of the political process regarding SCHIP. The article talks about how money saved from the repeal of Medicare Advantage program as well as an increase in the cigarette tax will be used to pay for SCHIP. Does repealing Medicare Advantage and renewing SCHIP pit seniors against children as Karen…

WSJ on the Dutch Health Care System

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal (“…Model For U.S. Health-Care System“) investigated recent reforms in the health care system in the Netherlands. New System in Town The new system has the following major characteristics: All individuals must be insured All individuals purchase health insurance on the private market Individuals can choose to get their health insurance…

Rock Star mortality

From The Economist (“Live fast, die young“): “Rock stars are famous for excess, and some pay the price. A new study suggests that they are up to three times more likely to die young than the rest of the population, mainly because of drug and alcohol abuse.” Click here to see a chart of the…