HC Statistics International Health Care Systems

Olympic Post III: China and India Healthcare Statistics

Below is a side-by-side comparison of health care and economic statistics from China and India.

Category China India
Population 1.33 billion 1.15 billion
Life Expectancy (2008) 73.18 69.25
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) 21.16 32.31
GDP (PPP) – 2007 $6.99 billion $2.99 trillion
GDP/capita (PPP) – 2007 $5,300 $2,700
GDP growth – 2007 11.4% 9.2%
GDP/capita Growth (1994-2004) 7.8% 4.4%
% below poverty line (PL) 13.7% 31.1%
% below PL after medical expenses 16.2% 34.8%
Healthcare spending/GDP (1988) 3.3% 3.5%
Healthcare spending/GDP (2002) 5.5% 5.0%
Gov’t health spending/total health spending (1980s) ~30% ~30%
Gov’t health spending/total health spending (2002) ~15% ~15%
Health Insurance Coverage 56% (urban); 21% (rural) 15%
OOP Medical Expense (1990) 21% 70%
OOP Medical Expense (2002) 58% 80%
% of pop. over 65 (2000) 10.2% 7.6%
% of pop. over 65 (2050) 29.9% 20.6%
For-profit hospital market share (2004) 13.8% N/A
For-profit clinic market share (2004) 72.0% N/A
Pop. covered by commercial insurance (2004) 5.6% N/A
Pop. living with HIV/AIDS 5.1 million 0.8 million
HIV/AIDS deaths (2003) 44,000 310,000
Prevalent food and waterbourne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A & E, and typhoid fever bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever
Prevalent vectorborne diseases: chikungunya, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria
Prevalent animal contact diseases: rabies rabies
Prevalent Water Contact Diseases N/A leptospirosis


  1. You switched HIV/AIDS data. India has the largest HIV population in the world.

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