Below is a side-by-side comparison of health care and economic statistics from China and India.
Category | China | India |
Population | 1.33 billion | 1.15 billion |
Life Expectancy (2008) | 73.18 | 69.25 |
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) | 21.16 | 32.31 |
GDP (PPP) – 2007 | $6.99 billion | $2.99 trillion |
GDP/capita (PPP) – 2007 | $5,300 | $2,700 |
GDP growth – 2007 | 11.4% | 9.2% |
GDP/capita Growth (1994-2004) | 7.8% | 4.4% |
% below poverty line (PL) | 13.7% | 31.1% |
% below PL after medical expenses | 16.2% | 34.8% |
Healthcare spending/GDP (1988) | 3.3% | 3.5% |
Healthcare spending/GDP (2002) | 5.5% | 5.0% |
Gov’t health spending/total health spending (1980s) | ~30% | ~30% |
Gov’t health spending/total health spending (2002) | ~15% | ~15% |
Health Insurance Coverage | 56% (urban); 21% (rural) | 15% |
OOP Medical Expense (1990) | 21% | 70% |
OOP Medical Expense (2002) | 58% | 80% |
% of pop. over 65 (2000) | 10.2% | 7.6% |
% of pop. over 65 (2050) | 29.9% | 20.6% |
For-profit hospital market share (2004) | 13.8% | N/A |
For-profit clinic market share (2004) | 72.0% | N/A |
Pop. covered by commercial insurance (2004) | 5.6% | N/A |
Pop. living with HIV/AIDS | 5.1 million | 0.8 million |
HIV/AIDS deaths (2003) | 44,000 | 310,000 |
Prevalent food and waterbourne diseases: | bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A & E, and typhoid fever | bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever |
Prevalent vectorborne diseases: | chikungunya, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria | Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, Japanese encephalitis, and malaria |
Prevalent animal contact diseases: | rabies | rabies |
Prevalent Water Contact Diseases | N/A | leptospirosis |
- Winnie Yip and Ajay Mahal, (2008) “The Health Care Systems Of China And India: Performance And Future Challenges” Health Affairs, 27(4): 921-932.
- Jin Ma, Mingshan Lu and Hude Quan, “From A National, Centrally Planned Health System To A System Based On The Market: Lessons From China” Health Affairs, 27(4): 937-948.
- CIA World Factbook.
You switched HIV/AIDS data. India has the largest HIV population in the world.
AIDS statistics for China and India have been updated.