Health care in Spain

ISPOR Europe kicks off this week in Barcelona, Spain. In honor of ISPOR, I will summarize some key attributes of the Spanish health care system based on a 2024 report from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud. Country overview Population: 48.4 million (as of…

Battle Royale: Small molecules vs. biologics

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) allows the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to negotiate drug prices. However, CMS can only negotiated drug prices 9 years after drug approval for small molecules and 13 years after approval for large molecules. Why the difference? Do biologic treatments produce superior health benefits for patients? This is the…

Healthcare spending for individuals with FSAs and HSAs

In the U.S., health insurance premiums are tax deductible–if paid through out of pocket expenses–but out-of-pocket expenses are not. However, there are exceptions to this rule. These include two often-used tax-favored accounts: Flexible savings accounts (FSA). These accounts allow employees to set aside a portion of their pretax income to cover qualified medical expenses; however,…

Health care for workers

On this Labor Day, how is healthcare evolving for workers and firms? First, healthcare spending is on the rise, with costs increasing more than inflation. Fox Business reports on a new Aon study which says that: …employer health care expenditures are projected to surge 9% in 2025 to more than $16,000 per employee, markedly higher…

Impact of genericization on drug prices and treatment value across 8 countries

An interesting study from Miquel Serra-Burriel et al. (2024) examines the impact of genericization on drug prices across 8 high-income countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, UK, and US). The authors used 2011-2020 IQVIA MIDAS data across 505 novel originator drugs. They found that: Price decreases were statistically significant over the 8 years after…

Health and wealth

Are wealthier people healthier? If so, how strong is this relationship? Does it vary across countries? That is what a paper by Kyriopoulos et al. 2024 aims to answer. They measure health and wealth using a “concentration index” (CI) which is calculated as follows: CI is estimated with reference to the concentration curve, which illustrates…