Physician Compensation

International perceptions of ability to manage complex patients

In an international study using data from the Commonwealth Fund, Robin Osborn and co-authors survey primary care doctors in the United States and nine other industrialized countries on how well they are able to treat patients with complex needs. They found that the percentage of doctors that feel that their practice is well-prepared to manage patients with complex needs ranged from 66 percent in Sweden to 88 percent in the Netherlands and Germany. Additionally:

While the authors note some bright spots for the United States, such as significant progress in the adoption of electronic medical records, American primary care physicians stand out as being the most critical of their health care system (only 16 percent felt the system works well) and as having high levels of stress (43 percent) and dissatisfaction (34 percent) practicing medicine.


  • Global Health: Comparing Caring For Patients With Complex Needs In Ten Industrialized Countries.

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