Growing health care spending in China

One can expect health care spending in China to grow for two reasons in the coming years. First, with the economy growing, individuals and the government will have more money to spend on health care. Second, China is aging rapidly and older individuals require more health care services. Thus, it should come as no surprise…

Peer effects: Does your perceptions about your peers matter more than your peers’ behavior?

It appears that not only does your friend’s behavior affect your behavior, but your perception of their behavior–independent from their actual behavior–affects your behavior. Want a concrete example of this? A paper by Amialchuk et al. (2019) finds the following: Using a nationally representative dataset, we estimate the effect of misperception about friends’ alcohol, smoking,…

Are open-source approaches to value measurement the wave of the future?

My colleagues Jeroen Jansen, Devin Incerti along with Jeff Curtis think so. In JMCP they write: In the United States, there is an increased interest to understand the value of health technologies. Cost-effectiveness analysis is arguably the most appropriate framework to quantify value and to inform reimbursement decision making regarding medical interventions; however, a thorough…

CBO: Healthcare projected to consume increasing share of federal outlays in next decade

Every year, the Congressional Budget Office projects how the federal budget will look over the coming decade. For the coming decade, the numbers look grim. Federal deficits in CBO’s baseline average $1.2 trillion per year and total $11.6 trillion over the 2020– 2029 period…Those deficits would average 4.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Other…