If you’re attending the ISPOR 2023 conference in Boston, MA please feel free to come by view some of my research. This includes the following:
- Podium Presentation #108: Economic Evaluations of Rare Diseases: “Quantifying the Insurance and Altruism Value for Rare Diseases: A Case Study for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy”. Jason Shafrin will be presenting this work as part of a podium presentation. This work was conducted alongside FTI co-author Suhail Thahir, as well as Alexa Klimchak, Ivana Audhya, Lauren Sedita, and John Romley. The presentation is 10:15-11:15 EDT on Monday, May 8.
- Panel Discussion #131: “Exploring Alternative Payment Models for Medications: Disrupting Traditional Payment Methods”. Jason Shafrin will be on a panel with John O’Brien, and Inmaculada Hernandez discussing medication payment models and emerging trends. The presentation is 1:45-2:45 EDT on Monday, May 8.
- Poster EE479: “Conditionally Essential Amino Acids Can Reduce the Economic Burden of Postoperative Complications after Fracture Fixation: Results from an Economic Model.” This is work conducted by FTI co-authors Jason Shafrin and Kyi-Sin Than along with Kirk Kerr and Michael Willey. The poster will be displayed 8:30-11:30, on May 10.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to meet up in person at ISPOR.