What is wrong with QALYs?

A paper by Rand and Kesselheim (2021) in Health Affairs this month conducts a systematic literature review to answer this question. Based on 113 articles they identified in peer-reviewed journals, they identify the following 10 criticisms categories. The graph above has each criticism category and the number of peer-reviewed articles that mention this critique type.…

What kind of HTA does the US need?

Should the US have a formal, centralized health technology assessment (HTA) organization? In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) plays this roles and has a significant impact on drug pricing in the UK. However, the UK relies on a single payer system and NICE’s recommendations can be directly implemented…

HTA criteria used to evaluate diagnostics

When evaluating a new diagnostic, HTA agencies must assess two separate issues: analytical and clinical validity. Analytical validity basically indicates whether the test works; is it able to accurately predicts the presence or absence of a particular biomarker of interest. Clinical validity is whether the test matters in clinical practice.  It could be the case…

How to justify your survival curve extrapolation methodology

Clinical trials are typically of (relatively) short duration, but innovative treatments may impact patient survival over multiple years. Health economists and outcomes researchers often are faced with the challenge of extrapolating clinical trial survival curves to estimate long-term survival gains for the typical patient. These estimates may be done parameterically (e.g., exponential, Weibull, Gompertz, log-logistic,…