On which drugs does Medicare spend the most?

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) identifies the Part D drugs on which Medicare spends the most money. This is an important question since CMS will begin drug price negotiation under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) based on the top 10 top spending Part D drugs. Some relevant statistics and figures are below. In 2021, Medicare…

Impact of Medicare Part D on net drug prices

When you buy a car, there is the sticker price and what you actually paid after haggling with the dealer over discounts. For pharmaceuticals, the media typically reports on list prices which are analogous to the “sticker price” for cars. However, what really matters is the net price, which is the price after discounts and…

Getting Poor/Old People Drug Coverage: Part II

Yesterday, I mentioned that low-income individuals on Medicare can also qualify for Medicaid and, as full-beneift dual eligible beneficiaries, they have significantly lower cost sharing than the typical Part D beneficiary.  How does CMS identify these individuals? For currently beneficiaries on Medicaid who ‘age’ into Medicare, this process is fairly easy.  CMS can auto-enroll these…