Obesity ‘equal to terror threat’

The BBC recently reported that a Durham University professor David Hunter is claiming that obesity is such a problem that its “…threat to our future health is just as significant as the current security threat.” What is Dr. Hunter’s solution? He said that bigger warning labels, changes in the taxation of “unhealthy” foods, and even…


I recently received an email about Mendeley, software program for managing and sharing research papers.  I have not used this, but am certainly interested in programs that help organize your research.  Has anyone used this program?  Any thoughts?

The Brewers, Baseball and Statistics

My favorite team, the Milwaukee Brewers, is in town and I have gone to the first two games of the series (both wins). Unlike the recent dreadful history, this year the Brewers have the 2nd best record in the National League and are in the lead for the NL Wild Card. In honor of the…

Toilet water is cleaner than bottled water?

The New York Times Magazine has an interesting article about reclaimed water (“A Tall, Cool Drink of…Sewage“).  Reclaimed water is basically toilet water which has been recycled to the point where it is safe to drink.  In many dry areas–such as my home of Southern California–the water supply is dwindling.  To counter this, San Diego…

Housing Bust and the Economy

EconBrowser discusses a paper by Claessens, Kose and Terrones, entitled “What Happens During Recessions, Crunches and Busts?”  The authors look at what happens historically to important macroeconomic variables when there is either a recessions, a credit contraction, an episode of house price declines, and/or an episode of equity price declines.  The authors find the following:…