Simple, increase the amount of occupied time. For a more detailed explanation, check out this article from NPR to find the answer. With respect towards complaints waiting for baggage at airports.
A few years ago, The New York Times reported that airline passengers in Houston were complaining bitterly about how long they had to wait for their bags at those rotating carousels. Airport officials quickly added baggage handlers to speed up delivery, but though they cut the time to eight minutes (well within the industry average) the complaints didn’t stop. People were peeved, because it took one minute to get to baggage claim, and they had to wait around, doing nothing, for the next seven minutes. In other words, 88 percent of their post-flight time was spent waiting.
So what did the airport do? Officials moved the arrival gates farther away from baggage claim and routed bags to the farthest away carousels, making everybody walk six times longer to get to their luggage. That way, by the time people got to the carousels, the bags were already there. No wait, no stress. “Complaints,” says the Times, “dropped to near zero.”
The article also has an interesting description of how bubble wrap can reduce complaints at bus stations (no joke).
Defining the problem of elevator waiting times
2008 37 Signals by Matt Linderman [edited]
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Occupants complained about the poor elevator service. Waiting times at peak hours were excessively long. Several tenants threatened to break their leases.
The consultant concluded that the complaints were about boredom. He gave those waiting something to pleasantly occupy their time. He suggested installing mirrors so that those waiting could look at each other or themselves without appearing to do so.
The complaints about waiting stopped. Today, mirrors in elevator lobbies and on elevators in tall buildings are commonplace.
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