Between 2017 and 2018, premiums Obamacare health insurance plans plans rose by 32%. To be more specific, the Urban Institute reports that:
The national average increase was 32.0 percent for the lowest-priced silver plans and 19.1 percent for gold plans, but the increases varied by states…State changes in average lowest-priced silver premiums ranged from a 22.5 percent reduction (Alaska) to a 117.5 percent increase (Iowa). Lowest gold plan premium changes ranged from a 27.9 percent reduction (Alaska) to a 62.1 percent increase (Kentucky).
Silver plans are those that cover 70% of actuarial cost, whereas gold plans must average 80% coverage of medical costs.
Unsurprisingly, there was some regression to the mean.
Some of the smallest increases (including some decreases) were in states with high 2017 premiums.
And the long-run prospects for the Obamacare individual market are not trending in a positive direction.
More insurers exited markets than entered new markets in 2018 in our study areas.
Where I live (Los Angeles), premiums largely followed the national trend with average silver plan premiums rising by 26.9% and premiums for the lowest silver plan rising by 32.4%. Of note was that Anthem existed the entire Southern California market in 2018.